• CII Unit Training. CII Skills Development Training

    CII Unit Training - CII Skills Development Training - Study Skills - Exam Techniques - Mixed Assessment techniques - Effective Presentation Skills - Train the Trainer

    CII Unit Training

    The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) is a professional body dedicated to building public trust in the insurance and financial planning professions. Their 125,000 members commit to high professional standards and continuing professional development (CPD).

    Success in CII qualifications is universally recognised as evidence of knowledge and technical expertise. CII members can drive personal development and maintain their professional standing by adhering to a strict Code of Ethics and by accessing a range of learning services.


    You can read more here:

    Or download latest qualification information here:



    See also our Training Services Matrix below.







    Skills Development Training

    Seminars tailored to meet client's specific requirements both in terms of content and duration.

    Ranging from breakfast or lunchtime talks, to half day and full seminars.

    Seminars to focus on the different techniques required to master Mixed Assessment (General Insurance Diploma units) . the new approach of the CII. Mixed Assessment is a combination of a multiple choice exam and written coursework to be completed within an 18 month timeframe

    Presentation Skills training enabling the presenter to deliver clear, memorable presentations with confidence.

    Workshops can be tailored to meet clients specific requirements both in terms of content and duration


    Achieve more with your training. Whether you are a full time trainer or carrying out training or coaching as part of your job, we have the train the trainer course for you. Available as an open course for individuals or tailored to an organisation and carried out in-house .

  • ACT One Training Services Matrix

    ACT One training events